Welcome to Giving Jesus Radio
with host Lana Wynn Scroggins.
GJR Podcast is designed to bring
Inspiration and Encouragement
to help you through your day.
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GJR056: The Cloud & the Fire
As the Israelites had traveled from the land to their new home, God sent a cloud by day and a fire by night. Both of these were very real symbols to the nation that God was leading them, and they represented three beautiful things...
GJR055: What Does Your Red Sea Look Like?
Of course, the victory celebration doesn’t end with the Israelites merely leaving the land of Egypt. That would be a great, Hollywood-worthy ending complete with a young, chiseled Moses staring confidently into the sunset. But...
GJR054: For His Glory
The truth is that sometimes God uses opposition to His will to further His glory. So often God turns a test of our faith into His testimony. He does this for the honor of His name and to draw even more people to Him. But this doesn’t...
GJR053: God is Doing a New Thing
The nation of Israel had been enslaved for four hundred years. Four hundred years of crying out to God as generation after generation hoped their children and grandchildren would one day know the sweet blessing of freedom....
GJR052: When God Resurrects a Dream
I know there are times that we get discouraged by unfulfilled dreams. And you might be in that place right now. Sometimes our dreams appear barely still alive and some are just dead. Your dream may be so dried up that you...
GJR051: Understanding Physical Resurrection
What about perhaps the most well-known resurrection is Lazarus apart from the resurrection of Jesus. When Lazarus became ill, his sisters sent Jesus a message. Jesus did respond…though he seemed much slower than they would have...
GJR050: Emotional or Financial Resurrection
Sometimes when we go through seasons of heartache, it’s easy to assume that we’ve done something wrong. We search for the sin or mistake we made that caused the calamity we’re experiencing. We find in the story of Job how...
GJR049: Embrace a Relational Resurrection
When most people think of the word “resurrection” they think of Jesus Christ returning after the Crucifixion. This is definitely the most important resurrection in all of history. In fact, it’s the Resurrection that gives us hope,...
GJR048: See the Blessing in the Battle
Expect to be tested. As we grow, we are tested and tried. Sometimes it feels like we’re facing the same trials again and again, doesn’t it? We don’t love facing the same tests over and over, still, we know God knows what He is doing....
GJR047: Eyes on the Enemy
One of the ways to keep our eyes on the enemy is to not let our eyes get off our primary concern in our relationship with God and to see His Kingdome grow. Many times adversity and obstacles can get in our way to cause us to...