To Miss Marie Arnold from Herman Scroggins
Thursday nite
Nov 23, 1944
My Dearest One,
How is my one and only to nite. Sugar I wish I could see you to nite and every other nite to.
Honey, I have just got back from town and I am really tired but sugar I would write my honey if I was tireder. It is about 9 o’clock and that’s my bed time. I walked nearly all the way home. I didn’t get any Xmas shopping but maybe I can do some Saturday.
I went up and saw Doodie and Riz but she was still mad at me or someone and I didn’t stay long. Riz sold his Ford today and had to walk home after he got off from work.
Sweetheart I almost bought us a car today. It was like the one I used to have and it was a Ford.
Honey, I hope you don’t get sick. It would be bad if my sugar got sick and couldn’t come to play ball Tuesday nite. Sugar I sure am looking forward to you making a lot of baskets Tuesday nite cause I sure love your sweet kisses.
Honey, I wish we could be together every nite, it sure would be swell. I hope you don’t play ball to hard to make my Dollie sick.
After you play for awhile I guess you will get used to it but sugar I know it is hard on you when you aren’t used to it. Sugar I will be watching you next Tuesday nite and I bet I get a lot of kisses.
Sweetheart I am telling you that I didn’t know what to think about you last Sunday. I didn’t know whether you were mad at me or what was wrong. Honey, I know how you feel when you say it hurts you when I come to see you and have to leave. Sugar no one will ever know how I feel when I have to leave you and I guess you feel the same. Honey, I hate to break your sweet heart when I leave you but I just hate to go as bad as you hate to see me go.
Honey, after I get a car, I won’t leave you in distress for I will tell you when I am coming to see you and that will be pretty often. Honey, if I get to buy that car, I will be there in time for church but honey don’t depend on this cause he may not sell it to me.
Darling I sure am glad that you liked your birthday present. I thought it was nice and I know you would appreciate it. I love to give the people that appreciate it. Sweetheart you sure are a pal and future wife to put away your lessons and books to write me but darlin I sure love to hear from you.
Honey, you tell Greasy (my mothers sister) not to get mad just because she never got to see pasy the day he ran off and left her. Tell her that I said take it easy with that poor old rocking chair. I bet Greasy reads all the letters I write you and I wouldn’t be surprised but what Guss (my dads brother) didn’t read all of mine that I get from you but I never have caught him.
Honey, I don’t believe you were really mad at me. Sweetheart I will go to church every chance I get and darlin I will come see my honey as often as possible.
Yours Forever,
P.S. write soon cause I love you lots. Nite sugar and sweet dreams XXOOO