Sometimes when we have our best moments in witnessing or helping in ministry and serving the Lord the enemy wants to come and steal our joy. Jesus had just been baptized by John in the Jordan River and the Spirit of God had just descended on him like a dove and Matthew 3:17 And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
After Jesus had this awesome baptism experience, he went into the wilderness and fasted forty days and forty nights. Just as Jesus was tempted we can be tempted by Satan and subjected to our own weaknesses.
We know that our amour in the midst of the temptations and spiritual battles of life is the Word of God. We need to arm ourselves with the Word of God so that when we need it most we can say “It is Written” in the middle of our situations where Satan wants to tear us down and God wants to use the spiritual battle to build Strength in Him and that we stand on our Faith and Confidence in Him.
Together, Giving Jesus,
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