Discouragement and disappointment are normal emotions and sometimes we as Christians can have these emotions, but the importance is to make sure these emotions don’t overwhelm us.
Discouragement happens, even to the strongest and best of people. Job felt discouraged with his wife and friends. Elijah became discouraged with life’s circumstances. Despite our persistent and fervent prayers, things don’t turn out the way we’d hoped they would. Jeremiah felt angry and discouraged with God when he believed God was against him, and because of that perspective, he temporarily lost hope in God (Lamentations 3). Peter felt discouraged with himself when he realized that he wasn’t as courageous as he thought he was.
When you’re facing discouragement, it can be easy to focus on what you see—the hard heart of your spouse, the deaf ears of your child, the cruelty of your parent. But just as there was a Holy army around Elisha, there is one around you, too. You are not walking into the battle alone. You are backed by the “Lord of Heaven’s armies”.
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