One of the best places to begin sharing kindness is within your own communities. It’s easier to reach out to people you already know. In addition, they’re more accessible since you encounter these folks on a regular basis. Remember, kindness is contagious. Once you begin setting a good example for those who know you, they just might pick up where you left off and continue the spreading of good deeds.

No matter how you define “community”, you can be a kindness leader within this group. As with any type of leader, this is the person who others look to for motivation and direction. By being a leader in the initiative to do good, you’re showing the people around you how it’s done.

This episode is brought to you by my free Facebook group, Giving Jesus, where I share inspiration, encouaging songs, quotes, and messages of encouragment.

If you are interested in having more inspiration and encouagement in your life, this free community is for you Click here to join us!

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